Top Reasons Why You Need to Choose Linux – Until nowadays, the name of Windows is still becoming the option of many people to be their main operating system. That is because Windows offers you the simplicity that many people are able to learn in a short time. Even though, there is another operating system called Linux that also attracted a lot of attentions, especially the attention of many programmers. For your information, many programmers are using this kind of operating system in their computer or laptop. You might be curious why those people are using Linux. If you do, then here are some of the reasons why you need to choose Linux for your computer or laptop.
– The first one is the high security system that can easily protect you from almost anything. The main reason is because when you are entering your Linux operating system, you are logged in directly to the root of the system. It means you are able to do anything that you want from the system. It is unlike some other operating systems out there that will let you get inside as the administrator, but not directly to the root. That is why you still need to set some things if you want to keep your computer safe.
– The second reason is because the high stability of the system. When you are talking about the stability, it is something that you cannot easily compare because Linux is actually running on the server through the internet. Meanwhile, some other operating systems are not. Even though, you can still compare the stability of the OS through the long term usage. In some other operating systems on online siteĀ maybe you might feel the slower performance after using it for a year or so. However, that is not going to happen to Linux. This OS remain stable since the first time of the installation, unless the system is updated.

– The last one is that you can run Linux despite of the hardware that you are using at the time being. It is one of the best things that you can get from Linux since you are able to run this OS despite of your low quality computer or laptop. Of course, it is better for you to update your hardware regularly, but if you do not have any money to do so, Linux can still help you with the old computer hardware that you have. So, there is nothing that you need to worry about.
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